Academic Profile
Nina Graeff holds Bachelors Degrees in Communication Sciences and Music, which she studied in her hometown and in France. Nina holds a Master Degree in “Transcultural Music Studies” from the Institute of Musicology Weimar-Jena, Germany, where she also worked as Research Fellow of the project “Global Music Database” until 2012.
From October 2013 till January 2017, Nina Graeff pursued her Ph.D. in “Anthropology of Education” with a fellowship of the international Research Program “Interart Studies” of the Free University of Berlin.

Her Ph.D. thesis received “summa cum laude” (highest distinction) in January 2017. She worked as research fellow of the UNESCO Chair for Transcultural Music Studies in Weimar till receiving her current postdoctoral HONORS Fellowship from the Free Univerisity of Berlin in March 2018. In 2015 her first book was published: “The rhythms of the circle: Tradition and Transformation in Samba de Roda” (in Portuguese). Nina held seminars at the Institute of Musicology Weimar-Jena and the Humboldt University of Berlin.